Owners should not ignore dogs choking on water

Owners should not despise dogs choking on water

Many Owners like to bathe their dogs at home, but stranger owners often let their dogs choke on the water when bathing their dogs. If this happens, what should the owner do?
Under normal circumstances, dogs choking on water will not be too serious. Some dogs do not behave very well after choking on water and can return to normal within a short period of time. Their diet is normal, their behavior is normal, their energy is normal, they are curious about strange objects, and they are the same as when they are healthy. Then the owner also No need to worry. It only needs to be done when feeding and drinking water for the dog.
Dogs choking on water are not always serious, and dogs may not be able to recover in a short period of time. Some dog friends have reported that dogs who choked on water when they were young were more serious and went to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment of lung disease. The dog later recovered after receiving water and immediate treatment. The main symptoms of serious water choking in dogs are abnormal and abnormal reaction time is relatively long. At this time, the dog should be sent to the pet hospital for immediate examination and treatment!

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