The morphological characteristics of the Cairn Terrier,The Cairn Terrier in the early centuries It is a pure working dog breed, but with the advancement of technology, people less and less need to drive Cairn Terriers for hunting. Then they have become good partners in people’s life because of their lively, loyal and cute appearance. , but what are the appearance characteristics of this type of dog, and how can owners choose based on their characteristics? Mobile, strong but not bulky, leaning forward when standing. Deep chest, strong and very symmetrical hind legs and hips with proportional Medium length back, hard and cold-resistant coat. The head is shorter and wider than that of other terriers, and is covered in dense coat giving it a fox-like appearance. The head is shorter and wider than other terrier dogs, and has thick hair, giving it a cunning expression. The hair on the head is softer than the hair on the body. The muzzle is strong, but not too long or heavy. The nose is black. The eyes are set widely apart, sunken, and have thick eyebrows. The eyes are medium in size, light or dark brown, or matching the body color, and have the typical passionate look of a terrier. The ears are small, erect, and set widely apart on both sides of the head. emerging from long hair. Small in stature, strong, with thick chest and level back. The body is muscular, strong and vigorous, with sound body, deep ribs, combined with strong hindquarters, level back, of medium length, giving the impression of being strong, vigorous but not heavy. The shoulders are sloping, the legs are of medium length, and the bones are sufficient but not heavy; the elbows of the forelimbs are not turned out and should be perfectly vertical, but the front feet are slightly splayed out. The hind paws are larger than the front paws. The legs must be covered with coarse hair. The pads are thick and strong, firmly supporting the dog's entire body. The tail is short and has a lot of hair but no feathers. The tail is carried cheerfully but not rolled over the back. The base of the tail is flush with the plane of the back. The coat is hard and has two layers of hair: a dense, rough overcoat and a short, soft, dense undercoat to withstand harsh weather. The color can be any color except white. Ears, muzzle and tail tip must be dark. |